AAS Bangkok Airport Infrastructure

AAS @ Bangkok Airport

Asian Aerospace Services runs a Maintenance Center at Don Muang International Airport in Bangkok, Thailand where we offer overhaul/repair service for Diamond Aircrafts, Thielert, Lycoming, Continental and Rotax station.

Planes in the AAS Hangar @  Don Muang International Airport 44
Planes in the AAS Hangar @  Don Muang International Airport

Planes in the AAS Hangar @ Don Muang International Airport

Planes in the AAS Hangar @ Don Muang International Airport

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Contact Info

23rd Floor, Chamnan Phenjati
Business Center Building
65/198 Rama 9 Road, Huaykwang
Bangkok 10310, Thailand

+66 2 6430741-43

+66 2 6430740 (Fax Thailand)

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